If you find yourself under the weather, here's the recipe for my go-to healing soup. It's chocked full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help fight that nasty bug and get you better FAST. Here it is: MY TURNIP AND CILANTRO SOUP!
2-3 large turnips, cut into bite-size pieces
1 bunch of cilantro, chopped
Fresh garlic, chopped
1/2 fresh onion, cut into bite-size pieces
Juice of 4-5 lemons
Salt and pepper
Water or broth, enough to cover the other ingredients by 2 inches
Bring all the ingredients to a boil and then simmer for 1/2 hour or until the turnip pieces are just tender enough to bite into but not mushy. And THAT'S IT... Rx without a doctor's visit!
I like food. And although I can appreciate the decadence of all kinds of foods, I have opted for a conscious, vegetarian (mainly vegan) lifestyle. I believe that anyone can make decadent food by just adding fats, butter, and sugar to recipes, thats easy, but to find those who can master delicious food without the extreme use of these things, now those are the TRUE ARTISTS. So this blog is a journey, a journey in the land of yummy, hidden, healthy foods wherever I can find them!